Companies transform into institutions due to their ability to be innovative and remain relevant, as the world around them changes they are flexible enough to adjust without losing their core principles.
We exist due to our customers and work continuously to align our product offering and services to meet the needs of our broad clients while maintaining our consistency in approach. We study their needs carefully in order to react efficiently when called upon and develop solutions hand in hand.
We have forged relationships with established entities nationally in order to leverage on their vast knowledge with the aim of transferring the same to our regional and local partners. These partners offer services from plant supply, highly specialized civil engineers, diesel suppliers, quarry miners and laboratories.
• Planning and proper forecasting
• SMME and Community investments
• Consistency and integrity
• Establish long term relationships with our clients
• Become the ideal workplace and attract skilled graduates
WURTHMORE provides skills transfer and training to all its employees and subcontracts SMMEs with a vision to afford them a platform and empower them. It is also our strong contention, that the transformation agenda to see the significant entry of young previously disadvantaged black persons into the manufacturing and professional industry should not be left to big corporates.
Our company encourages green projects and prioritises the ethical use of renewable resources, environmental protection and compliance to SHE practices. We fully understand the importance of nature conservation and continually investigate alternative energy solutions in our batch plants.